InspecTrend Web-based Inspection Reporting

Certified's InspecTrend reporting software automates the IR inspection process.

At the core of Certified's InspecTrend is a powerful multi-tiered program running on a SQL database that manages everything from inspection scheduling, problem tracking and trending to report generation. We will apply a unique barcode label to all electrical equipment, creating a database that will include:

  • The type of equipment
  • The designation
  • Brand or make
  • Size and voltage
  • Unique bar code serial number
  • Amperage load readings may also be included

Certified InspecTrend reporting software Inventory Control for accountability - What's tested and whats not.

  • Designed for the enterprise manager to cover multiple locations.
  • Professional Reports at the push of a button - saving potentially hundreds of hours
  • Inspection scheduling.
  • Benchmark and Baseline Trending - watching problems and potential problems over time.
  • Automated Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Self Learning Knowledge Base Libraries - They learn more every time you use InspecTrend.
  • Bar code enabled
  • Web Management system - gives unlimited access to your data from your LAN or Internet
  • Smart wizards guide you through documenting a problem
  • Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) - attach any document to a location or problem
  • Scalable program - start small and grow up to the Enterprise Edition
  • Built on Microsoft SQL server technology - from the PDA to the enterprise server

Certified InspecTrend Web Manager provides a single point of contact for PdM/IR Program Management, Report Publishing and InspecTrendT data access through an Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher) web browser. Certified Infrared clients can check their data from the web.

Security - Anyone with access to see web pages will be able to use the web manager.

Inspections History - Each location can be easily queried to display related equipment inventory to be inspected and clearly display open and closed problems. InspecTrend keeps a comprehensive record of all equipment inspected. It identifies equipment inspected, equipment not inspected and why the equipment was not inspected.

Knowledge Base Libraries - The Knowledge Base Libraries in InspecTrend's can give you invaluable information for data mining later. As you work with your own equipment, it will learn and record your data to provide custom tailored knowledge based libraries specifically for your plants needs. Export data to Excel to customize charts.

Tracking Conditions - Problems on equipment are tracked and trended over time so that changes in conditions can alert you to advancing severity in problem conditions. Past problems are reconciled with the current inspection so that nothing gets missed!

Cost Avoidance Analysis - The powerful Cost Avoidance Analysis reporting provides conservative estimates of real cost savings from fixing equipment problems before vs. after failure, based upon the cost of parts and labor. If desired, there is also a metric to estimate the loss of revenue from facility downtime.

Call today to setup your appointment. (201) 444-3620

Our Services:

Commercial Electrical IR Inspection

Preventative Inspections for electrical and information hubs

Commercial Roof IR Inspection

Thermal anomaly detection in Commercial Roofing Systems.

Mechanical Inspection

Preventative Maintenance for pumps, motors, and industrial equipment.
(201) 444-3620